FAQs About Receiptify

Q. Which platforms does Receiptify support?

Ans: Receiptify currently supports two major music streaming platforms: Spotify, and Last.fm. You can connect your account from any of these platforms to generate your personalized receipt.

Q. Is Receiptify free?

Ans: Yes, Receiptify is completely free to use. There are no hidden charges or premium features that need payment.

Q. Who created Receiptify?

Ans: Receiptify was developed by Michelle Liu who is a student at the Carnegie Mellon University. She created it as a personal project, but it later went viral on social media platforms and became very popular.

Q. How accurate is the data on Receiptify?

Ans: Receiptify pulls the data straight from the music streaming service of your choosing. Thus, the information shown on your receipt should be rather precise and should correspond to your listening behavior.

Q. Can I customize my receipt?

Ans: Yes, Receiptify has several customization options available. You can choose a time range (the last month, the last six months, last year, or all time), switch between ‘Normal’ and ‘Brat Edition’ modes for visual changes, and select from several fonts for the receipt customization.

Q. Why doesn’t my Spotify receipt show the number of times a track is played?

Ans: Unfortunately, Spotify’s API does not offer the specific play count of a particular song or track. As a result, Receiptify cannot show this data for the Spotify receipts.

Q. My Spotify most-played doesn’t look right. How are these stats determined?

Ans: The information that is used in Receiptify is gathered and analyzed by Spotify itself. It is not known exactly how Spotify identifies your most-played tracks as they do not release this information to the public. However, it may take into account recent plays, the total number of plays, and playtime.

Q. Why doesn’t my Apple Music receipt display top tracks by time period?

Ans: Apple Music has restrictions and the only available option is the “Heavy Rotation” which is based on your most played songs for an unknown time frame. This limitation means that Receiptify cannot give out time-based information for Apple Music.

Q. How do I share my receipt?

Ans: With Receiptify, you can easily download your receipt. You can also download it as an image and post it on different social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Q. Does Receiptify store my data?

Ans: No, Receiptify does not store any information from users. Your listening history and personal information are not revealed and are only used to produce the receipt.

Q. Can I revoke Receiptify’s access to my account?

Ans: Yes, to revoke Receiptify’s access to your Spotify or Apple Music account, you can do it directly through your account settings on the platform.

Q. My Receiptify isn’t working. What should I do?

Ans: In case of any problem with Receiptify, you can try to reload the page, clean your cache and cookies, or use another browser or device. If the problem continues, please try again at a later time as the service may be undergoing some technical issues.

Q. Can I create custom receipts for specific albums?

Ans: Yes, Receiptify helps you create receipts that are tailored for certain albums. This feature allows you to display your favorite albums and their tracks in the form of a receipt.

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